International Association

for Educational and

Vocational Guidance

Call for host to the IAEVG Conferences 2027

IAEVG invites proposals to host the 2027 international conference. For detailed information, please see the guidelines for composing the proposal. All proposals must be sent by email to no later than the end of May. We encourage you to reach out with any questions or clarifications as you prepare your proposal.

Upcoming Conferences

IAEVG International Conference 2026, November 2026,New Zealand

This conference brings together researchers, policymakers and practitioners to engage in a meaningful dialogue.Your presence and contribution are what make this conference a valuable and enriching experience. We encourage you to save the date in your calendars and join us for what promises to be an insightful and inspiring event.


Past conferences

  • 2024: Jyväskylä, Finland - "Lifelong Development as a Standard"
    12-14 November 2024

    The 2024 IAEVG Conference was organised by the Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä together with the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. The theme of the conference was 'Riding the Wave of Change".

  • 2023: The Hague, The Netherland - "Lifelong Development as a Standard"
    28-30 June 2023

    The 2023 IAEVG Conference was organised by the Noloc together with Euroguidance and the Open University. The theme of the conference was 'Lifelong development as a standard".

  • 2022: Seoul, Korea - "COVID-19 and Digital transformation: Choice, Educational Prospects and Employment Challenges
    6-8 December 2022

    The 2022 IAEVG Conference was jointly hosted by  The National Youth Policy Institute( NYPI), a renowned national research institute on youth matters and policies in Korea, in collaboration with the Institute for Social Science Studies, Malaysia’s pioneer research institute in youth and community development, and the Asian Regional Association for Career Development. The theme of the conference was "COVID-19 and Digital transformation: Choice, Educational Prospects and Employment Challenges".

  • 2022: Singapore IAECG/APCE Conference - "Embracing Lifelong Career Development"
    16-17 May 2022

    The Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) and IAEVG offered a double-conference which included the best from APCDA and IAEVG, both in-person in Singapore and virtually.
    The theme of the conference was "Empracing Lifelong Career Development"
  • 2021: Riga, Latvia  - "Maximaizing Potential of Career Guidance"
    19-21 October 2021

    The 44th IAEVG international Conferences was organised by the The State Education Development Agency in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia (IZM) and  the Latvian Career Development Support Association. The theme of the conference was "Maximizing Potential of Career Guidance".
  • 2019: Bratislava, Slovakia  - "Career Guidance for Inclusive Society"
    11-13 September 2019

    The 43th IAEVG international Conferences was organised by the Slovakian Association for Career Guidance and Career Development in partnership with the Ministry of Educations, Science, Research and Sports,  Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, University of Economics and Research Institute for Child Psychology. The theme of the conference was "Career Guidance for Inclusive Society".
  • 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden. Theme: A Need for Change.
  • 2017 Mexico City, Mexico. Theme: Guidance for Building the Future.
  • 2016 Madrid, Spain. Theme: Promoting Equity through Guidance and Counseling. Reflection, Action, Impact
  •  2015 Tsukuba, JapanTheme: Restructuring Careers Over Unexpected Powerful Forces
  • 2014 Quebec, Canada. Theme: 
  • 2013 Montpellier, France. Theme: Career counselling: a human or a citizen's right,  
  • 2012 Mannheim, Germany. Theme: Social Justice, Prosperity, and Sustainable Employment as a Challenge for Career guidance
  • 2011 Cape Town, South Africa. Theme: Career Guidance and Development Practices Around the World 
  • 2010 Bangalore, India. Theme: The Jiva Conference
  • 2009 Wellington, New ZealandTheme: Transforming Careers––Unleashing Potetial/He tirohanga kē––he aranga oranga
  • 2009 Jyväskylä, Finland. Theme: Coherence, Co-operation and Quality in Guidance and Counselling


The IAEVG is a  non-profit-making association governed by the provisions of the law of Luxembourg

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