International Association

for Educational and

Vocational Guidance

Welcome to the IAEVG

The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) provides global leadership in and advocates for guidance by promoting ethical, socially just, and best practices throughout the world so that career, educational and vocational guidance and counselling is available to all citizens from competent and qualified practitioners.

Join IAEVG today

Through IAEVG membership , you join the global community of educational, vocational and career guidance counsellors, service providers, teachers, researchers and policy makers promoting the role of guidance in improving lives.

Call for host to the IAEVG Conference 2027!

IAEVG invites proposals to host the 2027 international conference. For detailed information, please see the guidelines for composing the proposal.

All proposals must be sent by email to no later than the end of May. We encourage you to reach out with any questions or clarifications as you prepare your proposal.

IJEVG Journal

The International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance publishes articles in relation to work and leisure, career development, career counseling and guidance and career education.

As a member you can access the Journal by logging in and going to the Members section (accessible from the 3 bars icon at the right on the top menu), then selecting "IJEVG".



The IAEVG is a  non-profit-making association governed by the provisions of the law of Luxembourg

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